Wednesday, September 19, 2007

.NET User Control in VB6

I've spent a few days looking into this. I need a web browser in a VB6 application I'm amending, but the VB6 control doesn't allow me to inject HTML as a string, only to browse a URL.

Creating a user control in VB.Net was simple enough as I had an example, but resizing the controls in the user control when the user control was resized in the VB6 environment appeared impossible.

Searching the Internet didn't uncover anything useful, so it was down to trial and error. I've come to the conclusion that the resize action is lost somewhere between VB6 and the .NET user control.

The solution was to resize the controls contained in the user control when passing the HTML string, although this could be carried out via a seperate method call.   Digg! Digg it